Solve Elec


Draw the circuit
Get the solution
Verify an equation
Draw a graph

Draw the circuit


The circuit window contains tools and components to draw the circuit .

To modify the circuit you can copy and paste or drag any element.

Components' values and notation are also editable.

When the circuit is drawn , you can click button OFF : the circuit is analyzed and Solve Elec indicates if it is correct.


Demo summary



Get the solution


After the circuit is drawn, you can get the literal formulas for current intensities and voltages appearing in the circuit.

To solve the circuit , Solve Elec uses the Khirchhoff laws to get a linear system of equations which is solved in formal calculus.


Demo summary


Verify an equation

After the circuit is drawn, you can verify if an equation is correct for the circuit.

You enter the equation with the keyboard or with the tool palette into the formula editor.

Solve Elec analyzes the entered equation and indicates if it is correct for the circuit.

Solve Elec can find some usual errors like sign errors or incorrect use of electricity laws or non homogeneous formulas

Demo summary


Draw a graph


To draw a graph, choose the quantities for horizontal and vertical axis and the minimum and maximun values of thoses quantities.

If the circuit has several possible states , the graph can be drawn with different colors for each state.

Demo summary
